Thursday, October 18, 2007

Albino: Lack Pigmentation in Living Creatures

Sometimes we see an animal or a plant without the normal pigmentation of its species, we called the as albino individualism. When an animal or a plant that raise without the pigment melanin, primary agent of normal human coloration, it is mean that the colorize item is absent in the tissues its. When albino is happened to the human, then the human will have pale skin, white or light yellow hair, and eyes that, although actually colorless, appear pink because the blood vessels of the retina are visible. This is happened to the albinos human because of enzyme tyrosinase that required for its formation, is lacking. Lacking the protection is photophobic (shunning light) and, in ordinary illumination, is inclined to squint. The absence of melanin in certain brain tissues is probably the case of the nystagmus (oscillation of the eyeballs), characteristic of most albinos.COOL

Albinos occur in all races of humans, most frequently among certain Indian tribes of the southwestern U.S., but nowhere in large numbers. Albinism is transmitted as a recessive hereditary characteristic. Several types of partial albinism exist, including dominant piebald albinism, dominant white forelock, and chromosomal, sex-linked ocular albinism.

Animal albinism, similar to that of human in its cause, effects, and transmission, has been observed in most species of domestic animals and in a wide variety of other mammals and birds. The white rabbits, white rats, and white mice common in biological laboratories are true albinos. Forms of albinism occur in cold-blooded animals, but their causes are different. Albinism in frogs and certain salamanders, for example, is apparently caused by hormonal deficiency, because albinism can be cured by an injection of pituitary hormone. In fish, complete or spotty melanism (atypical black color) or albinism can be induced by merely severing certain nerves. Most cases of variations rather than the complete absence of pigmentation characteristic of albino mammals. Albinism in plants is always quickly fatal, because the plant cannot manufacture its food without the pigment chlorophyll.

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